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Posted by Bill on September 16, 2008 at 13:28:27:
You've been great!! But I have another question. I replaced an old old boiler with a "newer" one which is about 15 years old. It's a Well McClean HE II 4. I'm just about done, but on the return side, before the pump, my return lines (on the old system) came directly down turned into the pump and then in the boiler. On the replacement my return lines a lower than the pump and I have to plumb them to turn and go up and then over to the pump. Is this a problem? Finally, this is a draft induced unit. Coming out of it I need a 90 turn up to the ceiling, another 90 then about 8 -10 feet out side. Any problem with that? What's the best time of exhaust, Stainless, Gas rated?
Thanks again!!