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Posted by jeremiah on September 02, 2008 at 15:19:32:
In Reply to: Re: larger to smaller pipes posted by HeatPro on September 02, 2008 at 14:22:19:
Alright, first things first I guess, sorry. The heat loss of the home is about 40,200 btu/hr. How can I calculate how much radiation is throwing off heat? Any resources for that?
Thanks for all your prompt responses.
: You are missing the important point:
: WHAT IS THE HEAT LOSS of the house?
: HOW MUCH RADIATION is throwing off heat?
: You start from there for GPM.
: Then you look at the buffer tank or low-resistance manifold piping,
: which is boiler pipe from buffer tank or low-resistance manifold to boiler,
: buffer tank or low-resistance manifold pipe to boiler with pump in it
: - pipe from buffer tank or low-resistance manifold to radiation with pump and expansion tank in it
: - pipe from radiation to buffer tank or low-resistance manifold.