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Posted by Pam on August 18, 2008 at 05:17:24:
Morania oil of Long island came to my home, as usual, to do the annual boiler cleaning. Serviceman shut down my unit, claiming that it was excessively sooty and that he couldn't clean it, as the insulation within the unit was failing and if he opened it up, it would fall out. Said it wasn't repairable, as the unit was out of manufacturing for 10+ years. House was built in the 1950s and I have no idea how old the boiler is. We bought the place 5 years ago and have had no real problems with the unit, other than it not igniting after an oil delivery. Morania claims slug in the tank gets stirred up... Q: How should I proceed? I contacted Axeman-Anderson yesterday to get an idea of the age of the unit and it's repairability, no response thus far. Know any good contacts on Long Island?