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Posted by HeatPro on March 23, 2008 at 11:41:28:
In Reply to: Burnham Oil Fired Boilers Misfiring posted by Paul Santobuono Jr on March 03, 2008 at 15:17:53:
Do the entire test procedure to isolate problems:
When a tech uses combustion test instruments to give you a complete combustion test list including the data for:
Oil nozzle pressure ____
Pump suction pressure _____
draft over the fire _____
draft in the fire chamber ____
No smoke setting ____
CO2 percentage ____
room temperature _____
Stack temperature _____
Combustion efficiency _____
Then he will have a starting point to know, after all parts are clean and set to factory specs, if a condition like inadequate draft or other problem is a cause. If he doesn't have or use these instruments there is little chance that the burner will be adjusted to prevent soot or be so wide open that oil is wasted.