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Posted by Clive Cory on March 14, 2008 at 04:06:43:
Hi guys,
I live in Spain and have just been given a quote for a domestic central heating system which includes the above referencd boiler (viz. Junkers Euromax 7WC 24/28þ).
I am desperately trying to find out some information about this boiler (e.g. power consumption, efficiency rating, safety features etc). I have searched the internet without success.
I really would appreciate it if any guy out there would contact me if either he has any information OR if he can point me to a web page. There MUST be something "out there"l; a real challenge to any of you fellows who want to surf the net for a bit!
Please reply directly to me:- clivecory@hotmail.com
Hope that one of you can help me out here.