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Posted by Curtis on February 10, 2008 at 18:35:23:
This morning when my room mates and I awoke, we relized the heat was not working. The thermos are turned to 25C but when touching the baseboards they are very cool to touch. Alittle bit of warmth can be felt from them however. When checking the pressure, it reads 10psi. There was some small dripping from the relief valve. Also the expansion tank was very hot to touch. My room mate belived it to be full of water and the solution was to shut of the supply water valve, and open the relief valve. The pressure dropped to zero and water and steam came out of the pipe. Now that the relief valve is closed, and the water supply line open, the system says its at 180F @ 4.5PSI. All of the baseboards are still cold except for one upstairs that seems to be working. Also the relief valve is dripping alot of water, and steam coming out of it. The current house temp is at about 13C. Any help would be good, since tonight we are afraid of the pipes freezing.