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Posted by Oskar Bosch on January 23, 2008 at 21:53:40:
In Reply to: Re: Burnham revolution boiler leaks through regulator valve posted by Derek on January 23, 2008 at 06:45:09:
It seems it was the expansion tank. Just replaced it this evening. The pressure remains almost stable now. The old expansion tank was not leaking any air out of the bottom vent. Only water. And when I took it off, it was obvious it was filled with water. I guess the diaphram broke. Surprised though as the expansion tank was installed in 10-2003. Not that old I would say.
I'll be monitoring the system pressure over time now and see if it creeps up. That would (I assume) indicate a leaking fill valve.
But for now all seems well.
Thanks for the help Derek.