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Posted by Janet on January 13, 2008 at 12:13:21:
Hi, I am new to steam heat and just moved into a house with a Crown Jamaica boiler. My landlord did tell me to feed the system weekly but not about blowdown. But when I stopped having heat (just an ungodly hissing), I looked at the printed matter near the boiler and saw it recommended blowdown at least weekly in heat season. I got multiple tubs of filthy water when I opened the blowdown valve yesterday and the heat was fine although the bathroom heater was blowing steam and hissing. Then the heat stopped so today I did blowdown again and finally saw clear water. Should I do this daily to make up for what is probably about at least a month of neglect on this system? I can't really see the glass tube for the water level either since it is really murky and scaled up. So I have no idea if I am keeping it too full or not full enough.
SOS, experts! thanks!!