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Re: Boiler selection for radient floor heating & domestic HW

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Posted by ps on January 08, 2008 at 13:24:43:

In Reply to: Boiler selection for radient floor heating & domestic HW posted by Brian on January 05, 2008 at 20:51:19:

: 1) I want to install something that can support the floor heating system (~650 sqr feet) as well as domestic hot water (allowing me to eliminate the tankless hot water heater currently on the plans). Are there particular products that are superior for this type of operation (2 functions, no radiators) I have been researching the munchkin line of products, should I consider something else?
.There are many mod-cons available. You need to do a heat loss calculation to determine design load. I assume you have gas as a fuel source.

: 2) Are there boilers that serve as a "tankless hot water heater" in addition to the floor heating duties? (double duty in 1 package)
.Yes, including mod-cons.

: 3) Should I consider a boiler + indirect Hot Water Tank to achieve my goal of floor heating and domestic HW instead of 1 device that serves double duty?
.Yes, typically this is a more efficient setup. What is your DHW load?

: 4) I also currently have a forced air furnace to heat the 2nd floor, is there a way to just do a boiler heat exchange + air handler/fan to have the boiler provide the heat for that as well? Would that be more cost effective than just a normal gas fired furnace? I have attemped to learn more about this, and I am coming up short.
.You are referring to hydro-air. I am not sure you can retrofit a furnace with a HW coil, but you certainly can replace the whole unit.

: Thank you all very much in advance for any help and advice you can give. It is greatly appreciated, as I always try to be an educated consumer.

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