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Posted by Jorge S. on December 29, 2007 at 08:57:37:
In Reply to: Re: Burnham RSA 85TH-TB boiler temperature setting/tankless coil recomendation posted by HeatPro on December 28, 2007 at 12:47:29:
: There is no optimum temperature to 'keep' it at any longer as it isn't going to stay hot for hot water any longer. It is now a 'cold start' boiler to get as hot as the thermostat demands.
: As the coil is copper inside, you can leave it open, that way there is no potential for pressure buildup inside the coil.
Thank you for the information. Regarding the temperature, I am refering to the aquastat setting. The instructions for the boiler show two different setting depending if a tankless coil is is installed or not. Should I follow the instructions for without a coil?