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Posted by Jim Snow on December 13, 2007 at 19:14:14:
Hi.. new here, experience on steam turbine boilers and marine boilers but nothing residential.. looking for some advice on my old Crown boiler. Our boiler in question has a nameplate on it from 1979.. I replaced some of the exhaust ducting today and placed the boiler online. I let it run for about 20 minutes while I was searching for any exhaust leaks.. looked good. When I shut it down, I could hear sizzling inside. I ran it some more, secured makeup water to it while watching the makeup water pressure gauge downstream of the valve I secured.. trying to see if the water was leaking into the heating coil and boiling off in the combustion chamber. There was no drop in pressure... Alot of steam was coming up the stack... What do you guys think??? I did not have time to open up the door to look for water, end of the day! Is it possible/worth it to replace the heating coil in these or buy a whole new boiler? How much for a new one shipped!? Thanks in advance-