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Posted by Greg on December 08, 2007 at 16:55:09:
Hi. I've lived in my home 2.5 years now. I have a Weil McLain boiler (oil fired originally with a gas conversion) feeding forced hot water heat and domestic hot water through a coil. The drain pipe from the safety valve is dripping water. The valve is Watts model M1, No. M335, is tagged as being 30psig. Watching the gauge on the boiler for a few cycles shows the pressure never getting above 15 psi. So initially I thought it was time to change the safety valve. I tried opening/closing it a few times to get it to re-seat properly, and that has slowed the drip, but...
Watching the gauge as I did also showed me that the gas burner seems to be firing when the temp in the boiler drops to 190, it shuts off around 200, and carries over to about 215. The aquastat high-cutoff knob is set to 170. It's a Honeywell L4081B1096... I suspect the sensor is not reading correctly for one reason or the other, perhaps I knocked it when I was doing something else, or whatever thermal grease was used has dried out and it needs to be repacked? I'm considering trimming down the control knob until the temp reads a more acceptable cutoff, until I can figure out what to do...