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Posted by steve on December 05, 2007 at 18:23:13:
In Reply to: Re: More conversion questions posted by HeatPro on December 05, 2007 at 14:45:20:
: Any thoughts on high velocity hydro-air systems? ++ If you can't pull 1/2-inch copper or pex, try pulling 2-inch or larger duct without tearing up walls. You wanted the old radiators for a reason; you abandon them for hydro-air and lose ALL radiant warmth.
++++ The person suggested two air handlers so they come up from the basement and down from the attic. No need to run in the walls. I do like the radiators, but perhaps it is just because this is what I'm used to. Energy wise, is air any better than steam/water or will the house just never feel warm with such a system because there is no radiation? The plumber suggested it because he felt it gave us AC and the benefit of an efficient hot water boiler without the issues of converting the radiators.
: BTW does 315000 BTU (IN10) for a gas steam boiler sound large.
: ++Not unusual, but it does indicate that steam required twice as much boiler as hot water. Why do you say twice, I calculated the EDR for steam. His boiler is 1.78 times the minimum the radiators need which seems high.
: Somebody is taking care of the mansions and larger steam-heated buildings in the area. Ask the school and city hall maintenance people who does theirs.
Good suggestion. I'll try tomorrow.