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Re: Convector and recessed radiator EDR calc

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Posted by HeatPro on December 03, 2007 at 09:06:25:

In Reply to: Re: Convector and recessed radiator EDR calc posted by steve on December 03, 2007 at 00:50:36:

: What is the likelihood that I end up needing at least one new radiator due to leaks? Will the leaks show up immediately or can there be trouble down the road?
-- There is always the possibility, you take chances in life; but if it doesn't leak now with steam ...

: What has to be done to clean the radiators out?
-- Remove the pipes from them, you will anyways to put in tubing fittings, spray the dirt out.

I think I will start with the plumbing supply houses.
-- Good move.
Paloma seems to just make water heaters unless I am missing something on their site.
-- A water heater is a boiler without a pump used to heat water.
Why is it easier to reduce the heat with this unit?
-- With the buffer tank, you don't have to reduce the het, the tank gives the time to store heat for the next cycle. It is the charm of a heavy-cast-iron boiler without the heavy.

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