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Posted by Isaac on November 27, 2007 at 22:34:04:
Can someone direct me to a website where I can learn all the function and terminology of heating system? I have very little knowledge on this subject except knowing I have a furnace and a radiator in each room.
We have been experiencing a noticeable noise in the 3 bedroom radiator for the past 2-3 years in every winter that we've lived in the house. We DO NOT hear the same noise in our kitchen, bathroom and living room radiators. The noise I am referring to is a very noticeably loud continuous water flow or dripping/trickling sound coming from each bedroom radiator. The noise is continuous and get's interrupted quite often with a louder thumping sound like someone just shutoff the valve and it would continue with the waterflow sound. From what I know the cylindrical tank heater is fairly new but furnace and radiator shows age. Any idea or suggestion on this issue?...I'll be happy to supply pictures and sound if it helps. Thanks