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Posted by Jeff on November 21, 2007 at 21:11:15:
It has been very troubling couple of days with my 2 year old Laars Endurance EBP, with relief valve going out.
Initial problem, was that the air vent above the expanstion tank started to leak. So I called out a service tech to take a look. He changed the air vent (bleed), and flushed the system. Ever since that my relief valve seems to be going off, and water all over in my floor.
So the service tech came changed the automatic feed, then the expansion tank. But still the same issue, on start when the boiler fires up, the pressure gauge shows 15 PSI, and then goes well past 20, and then to 25PSI. When the boiler flow temperature goes down to 172F it comes down to 23PSI, and then when it fires back up again for more heat it goes towards 30 and starts leaking from the relief valve.
Now the tech is suspecting the pressure gauge might be wrong, but when we drained the water through the relief and got the auto feed back on, the autofeed stopped spot on 15PSI. So I don't think it is the pressure gauge.
The only other thing I can think of is that some sort of temperature sensor is wrong, and it is heating the water too much. Is that possible. How else in a closed system can the pressure increase?
Thanks so much, any input will be much appreciated.