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Posted by Manning on November 21, 2007 at 09:22:25:
In Reply to: Re: Boiler Maintenance posted by HeatPro on November 05, 2006 at 19:23:26:
Sorry to roll this subject back up to the top, but I have been wondering about this topic for some time now. Our boiler guy says the same thing that you stated, yet when one of his employees was out a year or so ago he drained my boiler to flush out any sludge that may have been at the bottom of the boiler, kind of the same way you are told to clean out a water heater. In addition, I have heard that popping sound that is associated with water bubbling up through sediment as it boils, so it seems to me that there is some sediment issue with our boiler/water. Does this sediment impare heating the water? Should we be flushing our boiler to get this junk out like the tech did a couple years ago?