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Posted by Charlie on November 06, 2007 at 21:29:29:
Utica boiler..Had energy audit last winter and was suggested installation of electronic damper to replace manual damper on vent pipe(installed in May honeywell etc). Well just started using heat and last week had no hot water(superstor system) few days later boiler refused to come on hence no heat..came on again but have banging noises from pipes and spirovent blasting air out which neither had or witnessed before..tech says aquastat installed in May is bad..checked and appeared was not turning off boiler and boiler heating up to 260 etc and safey switches was shutting boiler and circulator down..would make sense as i shut power down to boiler a few times and i guess it resets itself..question any other things on aquastat to be aware of..heat was on last night but we ran out of hot water this morning(never have with superstor)this will replace aquastat but is there anyelse to make sure is correct on aquastat setting or superstor etc..why the banging now and air issues as well.thanks in advance love this forum...