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Posted by pete on November 05, 2007 at 06:28:14:
Heatpro, I just want to understand this. I just want to talk about 1 loop. if I open the purge valve at the top of the loop right in line with the water inlet, and the water inlet to this loop is 12 psi and is just above the hieght of the boiler, when I open the purge valve at top of loop will the weight of the incoming water go down the loop and the water at the top of the loop runs out the valve and starts a siphon like effect and the water will run thru boiler and around the loop and out the purge valve, in instead of rising straight up and out to the purge valve? Just looks like it could and fool you that system is purged. I went to your link but that dont answer my specific question.This is a residential peerless boiler. Thanks again.