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Posted by pete on November 04, 2007 at 03:41:16:
In Reply to: Re: EXPANSION TANK posted by HeatPro on November 03, 2007 at 12:04:22:
Hi Heatpro, Well the expansion tank seemed to trick me. Felt only warm at top and hollow at bottom, thought it was fine. It was taking on water. Gauge was bad also stuck at 18psi. This is my first time purging. When I open the purge valve at the very top of the system with 12psi of domestic water pressure will that water circulate, will it go by the circulator? Or do I need to get power to the circulator to do this? There is a pipe from the side of the boiler that goes to the basement cieling,at the top purge valve, as you go down pipe, level with top of boiler is city water feed in, just below that is circulator. Without circulator on and I open purge valve will water want to run up pipe and out or force its way past circulator thru boiler and around the loop back to the purge valve? Thanks