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Posted by John Primo on October 30, 2007 at 16:58:00:
I have the classic V-7 issues and I have new castings on order and will be repaired shortly,I know the leak issue has been brought up before but I have another issue which I have noticed and I just want input on this issue before I go for the casting replacement or new boiler all together.
The firebox in my V-7 has seem to have some of its RCF come loss and is now at the bottom of the firebox leaving some portions of the firebox walls nearly exposed. I have turned the High and Low temp down on the boiler to prevent overheating. I have just noticed this RCF issue in the firebox recentally, I would like to know is this something that can be replaced by a boiler feild tech when they replace the castings, or is this an indication that a new boiler should be on order? My fear is unless that firebox is not fixed I can never return the boiler back to normal opperations and on top of that I am affriad it might be ruiing the boiler anyhow.