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Posted by Will on October 29, 2007 at 20:12:12:
I rented my home for the past 5 years only to return to a Burnham v 33 hot water boiler ready to pass away.
The tenants did nothing to maintain it and the faceplate on the front of the boiler has cracked from heat due to a malfunctioning gun [flames light the thing up now]
The house is known in the neighborhood as really warm, so when I left the boiler was truly heating the house.
I am trying t get a baseline on cost;
The ratings on the boiler are as follows;
Gross Output [2 lines on top of each other for each rating] top is 116, lower is 128
Water MBH - top is 100.9, bottom is 111.3
LT Oil GPH - top is 1.05, bottom is 1.15
Steam SQ FT - top is 363, bottom is 400
Steam MBH - top is 87, bottom is 96
This boiler in its day cranked, the previous owners carerd for it. Any input greatly apprecaited.