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Posted by Gene F on September 01, 2007 at 12:12:18:
We're doing some remodeling (enlarging a 2nd story bath and the foyer below it) in our house built in 1969 with hot water baseboard heating. In the new foyer and the remodeled bath, we're running out of space for the baseboards.
My thinking, after a web search, is that a couple of toe kick heaters would do the trick - I can see where they might fit, and it looks as if they could be incorporated into the existing single pipe circuit with T-fittings as per the installation instructions.
I think I'm asking a basic question - is it acceptable to plumb a toe kick heater into an existing baseboard circuit? It seems straightforward, but even with a lot of searching I haven't yet found my answer.
If I do this, I'll likely be asking our general contractor to get the work done, but it seems this is the kind of question that causes most HVAC/Plumbing folks eyes to glaze over, at least here in the Baltimore Washingon area, so it helps to be confident about what I'm asking for. Thanks! Gene