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Posted by HeatPro on August 10, 2007 at 21:26:08:
In Reply to: Re: New steam gas fired boiler posted by Glen on August 10, 2007 at 20:02:19:
My 'snide remark' was about the pretensive bragging about how the contractor got the companies to compete, like one little contractor will make two of the most-respected companies do something they supposedly hadn't done before, like compete.
Find someone who really says he has a handle on how one company is better than the other and you've got another 'great pretender.' There is NO productive discussion by guessers.
How far will a political conjecture go for $46? Keyspan does its marketing agreements with Peerless, which has absolutely NOTHING to do with quality; but more with marketing manipulation. Get 4000 contractors and 4000 utility salesmen together and you still have a know-nothing situation as to quality.
There is but one 'best unit' in HVAC; the one the customer bought, from the contractor who thought his was the best from the supplier who picked that brand because he got the best deal from the particular manufacturer. All you get is opinion - NO TESTING STANDARD for THE BEST.