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Re: Burnham Boiler and sustainable hot domestic water

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Posted by george on April 11, 2007 at 07:21:54:

In Reply to: Re: Burnham Boiler and sustainable hot domestic water posted by HeatPro on April 10, 2007 at 17:03:43:

I had a similar problem with my Axeman oil burner
steam heat domestic system. I found the only way to
fill the tub was to turn down the supply valve to
a very slow rate to keep the water hot.
I suspect that the old domestic coil had become
calcified and was acting as an insulator to the
hot water it was submerged in.

Finally solved the problem by installing an electric
hot water tank. No more problems.

I guess I could have investigated how to
replace the domestic coil in the old furnace.
But now I can turn off the oil consuming
furnace in the spring.

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