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Posted by chad on March 29, 2007 at 02:28:32:
In Reply to: Arg Air in Lines! Raypak Boiler. posted by Jeffrey Wilson on March 28, 2007 at 14:01:11:
: Alrighty, so I originally had a plumber come to my house to replace a zone valve and fix a leak or two. He did a good job, but left with a ton of air in the lines and told me to just open a little spout occasionally and let the air out. 3 months later and the thing still makes a ton of noise when starting up. He said he couldn't get all the air out because one of the zone return valves was stuck open or closed...one of the two.
: New Plumber comes today to replace said valve and repair a leak that plumber one had failed at repairing and then stiffed me on the call back. Plumber B seems a bit more knowledgable and at my request replaces the suspected brojken valve. he replaces it. It works fine. Arg, so anyhoo he uses a different fill method that stiff left a ton of air in the lines and it is loud at startup still. Can anyone recommend and good ways to get my stsem quiet again.
: I have nor relief valves on my baseboards. Boiler is on bottom level of 2 story home. 1 zone downstairs and 2 zones upstairs.
: Thanks for any help :)
: Images for reference.
: http://home.comcast.net/~jeffrey-wilson/boiler1.jpg
: http://home.comcast.net/~jeffrey-wilson/boiler2.jpg
Look for an air bleeder on your expansion tank. It may be clogged up. Air will go to the top, if you have any other bleeders in the system, make sure they are not clogged also.