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Posted by Terry on March 20, 2007 at 14:43:19:
I have a cottage that has a Trianco Heatmaker II which heats domestic hot water and baseboard. I want to know in the warm weather months is it ok to turn the unit off when I'm not at the cottage.
In the warm weather months I turn the ball valve off that supplies hot water to the baseboard so residual heat from the domestic hotwater coil doesn't add heat to the home. Believe it or not when the heat is off in the spring and summer if I don't turn the ball valve off you can feel a little heat the baseboards closest to the boiler unit. So in the warm weather months the only thing heating is the hot water and I would like to turn it off when i'm not at the cottage to conserve propane. What is the sense of heating water when I'm not there to use and I can save propane. I usually go to the cottage every other weekend. So it's not like the unit would be off for a long periods of time. Would turning off the boiler cause scale build up in the coil or something to that affect?