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Posted by Pete on February 28, 2007 at 14:20:52:
I have a hot water boiler (cold pressure is about 17, hot about 21....these are set at that level based on one of your suggestions earlier to me to help to stop a shaking of piping due to boiler build up - couldn't get enough flow at 12PSI). My system's water fill line is "turned off" before the pressure reducer with a ballvalve - as suggested in many posts due to not creating a in house sprikling system if something fails. I have 3 zones. An inline airpurger (located above my expansion tank) with an automatic airvent attached. If I keep the autovent cap closed and run the system for a day or so, when I open the cap I get a "Little" burst of damp air. I assume this is from air being released during heating process and being caught in the purger as it is supposed to....my question is after 4 months with no new water being added is this normal that it is still getting air? Or should all of the air have been purged out by now and I have a problem somewhere (I also have 5 air vents at various locations in the system (but the caps are "closed"...at least I think the caps (or in some cases plactic screws are turned all the way in)?