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Posted by Susan on January 31, 2007 at 14:51:03:
I have a 4-year-old Peerless boiler (for steam radiators) in the basement of a 60 year-old Cape Cod. The pressure has been creeping up over the last 4 years to around 15psi. Is this something that should be fixed? If so, what caused this pressure increase and how can it be corrected? (I just called the company that installed it and the tech said that it's OK unless i see water on floor or if it reaches 30psi).
I have one upstairs radiator turned off and another one that doesn't heat the whole way across. This one is tilted the wrong way, but i don't know how to safely tilt it back...crowbar as lever under one end to raise, then sims under feet? I don't want to crack the radiator or pipes.
Thanks pros!