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Posted by steve on December 09, 2006 at 23:50:41:
as part of remodel we installed a new boiler last year for 4 zone combination steam radiator/hot water baseboard system. boiler seemed to function well last year after insatller got some of the kinks out. this season, it cannot keep the room temp setting in each of the 4 zones simulatneously (the zones seem to compete for heat if that makes sense) and at least 2 of the zones read well below the desired room temp setting. moreover, if any one room is set too high (e.g. above 70 degrees) it seems to cause a total boiler malfunction and sometimes the boiler unexpectedyl shuts down. we did not expeience these issues last season. the boiler temp is set to 190 degrees and yet the temp only ever reads a max of 132. i have also noticed that the outside temp (parameter 4) is set at or reading -22. any ideas for me? just fyi - this is all taking place in relatively moderate outisde temperatures here in nj, not extreme cold. needless to say, i am concerned heading into winter. thanks.