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Posted by HeatPro on December 06, 2006 at 15:36:27:
In Reply to: Multiple Zones with new Weil McLean CGA-6 posted by rjm on December 06, 2006 at 11:01:27:
: 1) The main thermostat - zone A - (which controls the firing of the boiler - I've been told
+++ OK - who told you, the installer? If so, then the following is how it is set up:
only the 1 thermostat provides this control and the other thermostats which are wired to relays and circulators merely maintain the heated water running through their zone as long as the thermostat calls for it).
. I never see the boiler fire in response to any thermostats except for zone A, nor do I see the boiler fire if the water in the system gets to a lower temperature.
: 1) Is it true that the boiler is only controlled by the 1 thermostat
+++ If the installer wired the system that way, if he said he wired that way, then it is wired that way.
or can it be fired by multiple thermostats?
+++ Yes, it can be wired to be fired by multiple thermostats.
: 2) Does the system seem to be working properly based on situation 2 above?
+++ Yes, if that is the way he wired it, for whatever reason, (possibly to save you money by not having to add another expensive control) then it is operating as intended. However, if you are turning the one thermostat down, for whatever reason that differs from what you said you would do before he wired it, then YOU are malfunctioning.
: 3) Is there no low water temperature limit on the Weil McLean which would cause the boiler to fire when the temperature of the water dropped below a certain temperature.
+++ Not ordinarily. No need to heat water unnecessarily.
If you changed the plan not to keep that primary zone warm, then that will affect the rest of the house. Then you would have the other zones wired to run the burner and add an control to keep the boiler from overfiring due to one zone, then another, then another - keeping the boiler too hot for the weather.