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Posted by Weezbo on October 29, 2006 at 23:00:10:
In Reply to: using to much fuel posted by kathy on October 27, 2006 at 10:44:29:
: could you help me to understand why my boiler would be constantly running and using so much fuel. we have checked for leaks but found none. the boiler kicks on and stays on for at least 40 minutes per hour. our hot water also runs off the boiler
it may have something to do with the combustion or the heat exchanger,.. may be insulated due to poor combustion leaving an insulation within the combustion chamber. which makes it difficult to get the heat from the burner to transfer through it. other reasons might be a tremendous leak somewhere out of the line of sight...under a slab or crawl space then it might also be possible to undersize a oil nozzel and it may be running long cycles to keep up with the heat loss...that though is unlikely.....if you had a constant recirc system on your Domestic Hot Water and depending on the heat loss of the developed length and the pumping stradgey it may be calling the boiler to fire by cooling the coil or side armm within a differential temp setting.