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make-up (refresh) air trap specs

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Posted by john klingel on October 20, 2006 at 13:03:10:

I am installing 4" PVC to bring make-up air into a furnace room on my houe. (I know that technically this should be a 6" line.) Vieseman 33 boiler, 6' x 9' room. The "trap" will look very similar to a sink's trap. I will come into the room horizontally, drop down XX feet to two 90 degree elbows, then continue up some distance YY above the intake pipe. Apparently the intake pipe's centerline needs to be within a certain height AA of the ceiling, the trap needs to be XX feet below the intake pipe, and the rising vertical pipe needs to rise above the intake pipe pipe a distance of YY. Anyone know these dimensions? Thank you. john

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