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Posted by HeatPro on October 18, 2006 at 21:32:44:
In Reply to: Re: The most common cause if gas heater misfiring posted by mark oneill on October 18, 2006 at 21:07:36:
: According to the LED's on the control module during the startup phase, if the pressure switch LED is blinking, the problem is related to the pressure switch.
The problem isn't related to the pressure switch. The problem is such that the pressure switch isn't subject to the proper pressure and the switch is there to find that out to stop the ignition sequence before there is an accident.
The pressure switch doesn't switch because the pressure in the exhaust isn't right. This requires cleaning the intake and exhaust path, changing the gas pressure, closing unexpected holes or lost screws in the heat exchanger, changing the exhaust fan motor and fan because it is malfunctioning, accounting for moisture collected in the flue by rerouting or adding a water trap, etc. This type of problem is difficult, if not impossible to fix without a sensitive gas pressure and air pressure instrument. The proper setup sequence using the proper instruments is part of the installation procedure, or at least should be, as it is taught at the factory repair center to qualified repairmen.