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Posted by wes on October 17, 2006 at 10:35:57:
In Reply to: Re: steam radiators radiators not heating fully across posted by Heatpro on October 16, 2006 at 15:37:53:
: Have you as ured that the steam vents at the side of the radiators are:
: A. Still in place
: B. the holes for the steam vents are not plugged.
: C. Steam vents with large enough holes are used
: http://www.heatpro.us/steamtree/index.html
A-B) i know they are in place and they look new.
both of the troublesome heaters did work initially(after i got them pitched correctly) athought they only heated partway. and after that they stopped heating altogether again. I noticed the steam vents from those 2 heaters donot hiss or anything also.
So should my next step be to take off the steam vents and see if they are clogged? should i test to see if i get steam through the heaters with out the vents on?
C)i will have to check the sizes they are also. what are the typical sizes used for a 2 story home? is there any guideline as to how far from the boiler it is or anything
thanks for your help