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Posted by Jonathan on October 15, 2006 at 10:03:17:
I am in the US and need a replacement propane boiler for my FHW baseboard heat and domestic water. My heating contractor has recommended a Baxiu HT330 cobination hi-efficiency wall mount boiler and tankless on demand hot water (DHW). I have never heard of Baxi and the heating contractor tells me that they are big in Europe.....with comparable quality and efficiency to a Buderus wall mount system.
The other system he recommends is a Buderus GB142-30 wall mount boiler in combination with a Rinnai Continuum on-demand hot water source. This Buderus system is almost $3K more than the Baxi HT330.
The installation requires a direct vented system using stainless steel flue ducting through the wall, since we do not have a chimney.
Would appreciate any info people can provide on Baxi regarding reliability, efficiency, and water flow. I am concerned whether the Baxi on-demand hot water will be able to provide ample hot water to run 2 shows at the same time. Showheads here in the US are flow restricted to 22.5 gal/min.