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Posted by jhodgkins@dmg.gannett.com on October 14, 2006 at 08:12:29:
In Reply to: Re: Information on Direct Vent Boilers posted by HeatPro on October 08, 2006 at 18:46:00:
In reply to your comment below from what the Inspector who came forward told us, there was no notice of installation provided by either the
Owner nor the Installer, so as for the State or Inspector NOT inspecting, they could not have done any inspecting, the Munchkins were installed without any notification [[: If the inspector didn't inspect OR didn't know what he was looking at]]. In addition the Maryland codes are rather vague and inconclusive with regards to smaller heating Boilers. The respective Blog, further indicates that there was some reluctance by the State Commisionaire to send in the State Boiler Insepctors, and the Inspectors were only allowed in there, after approxiamately two weeks had passed and the Fire Inspector for Ocean City had taken a run at this incident.
It was the State Inspecters Smeall and Abbott who had discovered the excessive lengths, where the Fire Inspector had appeared to miss this long White Elephant staring him in the face, the other thing was this; "no one was able to determine why or how this vent became detached. Inspector Smeall in particular had some concerns after his July 14 2006 visit and was apparently about to request a forensic engineering firm be sent in, when the rug was pulled from under him by Chief Inspector Kraft of Maryland's Boiler Safety Unit.
All very suspicious and upsetting to both State Inspectors. I think you need to read it again.
You should probably review the entire blog completely, there are a lot of interesting little stinky pieces that add up to a rather suspicious pile of something. The links to the far right describing the background and powers involved are even more interesting.
: Therefore:
: If the installer goofed,
: If the inspector didn't inspect
: OR didn't know what he was looking at
: What is the important legalese supposed to impress Marylanders with other than ignorance on the part of the participants and that there are many inadequately trained installers in the business? A question arises in that present knowledge requirements often exceed common recognized trade skill levels.==