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Posted by Newbie Doobie on October 12, 2006 at 15:09:42:
In Reply to: Re: Steam Boiler Replacement posted by HeatPro on October 12, 2006 at 10:39:05:
: FWIW, I'd be doing this job with permits and inspections, so I know it would at least meet local codes.
: FWIW is worth nothing when using local codes and inspections, as local code inspectors are generalists, more knowledgeable about carpentry and masonry than combustion equipment. The instructions in the steam installation manual that comes with the boiler is made by the engineers to save you heartache from banging, failure, and more expense. The installer that says flat out in writing that he'll follow manufacturer's directions to the letter is the better mechanic. He's covering his butt and yours, not engaging in know-it-all. Many plumbers haven't a clue about residential steam system problems.
: DEMAND that he follow the manufacturer's instructions IN WRITING and who knows if they'll be equal. If the installer is recommended in the neighborhood because he has SUCCESSFULLY installed replacement STEAM boilers in the neighborhood and you like the jobs he did that you can SEE, he might be a good choice.
Good advice.
It's so frustrating to a know-nothing like myself because I can't tell a good job from a bad one. And while the first contractor says he'll do things according to code and instructions he makes no mention of the equalizer piping and Hartford loop that the second guy speaks of.
So hard to compare apples-to-apples...
: The IN7 has 210,000 btuh input.
: The PEG-45 has 150,000 input.
: A GO-4 has about 175,000 input.
: Seemingly, the installers didn't find the same amount of radiation in the same home AND/OR do not know how to estimate the boiler size from the radiation.
Oh boy, that's what I feared.
A chimney guy came by today and told me the old boiler has a rating of 140,000 btu input and a nozzle size of 1.25, which translates to an output of 175,000.
First off, is that a proper calculation?
Second, I see that falls right between the two outputs you show. Might that explain why?
I guess I'd prefer to err on the larger size as I need to increase the size of my kitchen radiator. However, due to the age of the house I probably need my chimney lined and the liner installer said, based on my flue size and the liner he could fit in there (5.5"), that I should keep the output of my boiler and gas hot water heater (currently separate) at 210,000 or below.
: http://www.heatpro.us/steamtree/index.html
Now I have my bedtime reading ;-)
Thanks again for your great help!