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Posted by bill kern on October 06, 2006 at 19:27:41:
my house is a high ranch style, with the living area on the second floor and playroom,utility and garage on first floor.i recently finished the first floor playroom and added a bathroom and heat.heat and bathroom were done by a plumber, not a boilerman per se.my boiler is a peerless with a gas conversion gun.heat was never a problem until the first floor heat was added.when he ran the baseboard for the first floor he tapped off the existing pipe and ran a loop around the first floor and then tapped it back in where the pipe goes upstairs .its all one zone.work was done in summer.today i fired the system up and no heat to second floor.the boiler runs up to temp, the circulater kicks on and the first floor gets warm and thats it.the water pressure is around 20psi and the boiler says its rated to 30psi.so...is my circulater too small...should i increase pressure within the system....should i quit being cheap and have the first floor put on its own zone?total area is around 1800sq ft of living space between the 2 floors.also i have what i believe is an auto matic bleeder so air isnt a problem i dont think
thanks in advance