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Posted by pete on September 18, 2006 at 11:02:18:
In Reply to: Re: Boiler...shake posted by HeatPro on September 15, 2006 at 15:41:21:
Checked it over this weekend a little closer. There is a little shake when heating or when not (regardless of number of zones)heating just circulating, but the cause of the shake doesn't effect the pressure needle when just circulating only during heating - so it might be a left-over shake from heating. To try and let you know how much it shakes - the amount of shake moves the circulator/air scoop/expansion tank loop of piping about an eigth of an inch in each direction during full shake. If you were not in the room watching you wouldn't know it is moving (no sounds etc.). Should I try to brace the piping a little? SHould I try to add water pressure (and how can I do that with the autofill set at 12pounds?) Does expansion tank pressure come into play at all? Bottome line:
should I mess with the preoblem? Or is the "If it ain't broke don't fix it" saying the way to go. Thanks