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Re: Advice on Boiler Model Replacement

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Posted by Heatpro on September 14, 2006 at 10:29:19:

In Reply to: Re: Advice on Boiler Model Replacement posted by Mike on September 14, 2006 at 06:26:07:

As with most machines, using the right control for the right purpose makes a difference. As you haven't given information as to what kind of system and what size inside what kind of house, there is no way to predict whether it will be useful or not.

As most installations are done by guesswork with oversized boilers, an outdoor reset control will keep the water temperature down to what is necessary, thus saving some money. They are especially helpful with oversized boilers in multi-zone situations and heavy-slab radiant systems.

For many customers, using the less-expensive Heat Manager control will approximate the savings without a concern as to the outdoor temperature.

In small, single-zone baseboard systems with the right-sized boiler, a simple wall thermostat will do all that is necessary.

So being specific about what you have gives better answers.

My own home system has run with a constant circulator and outdoor reset for 20 years now.

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