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Posted by joe on July 21, 2006 at 11:42:45:
In Reply to: Re: Replacing Old Steam Boiler With New??? posted by george on July 21, 2006 at 09:40:07:
I just learned something new. Heatpro is always right.
In the context of Heatpro's comments regarding wasteagee, I'd still throw out the steam system and boiler and convert to hot water with zones.
You can zone out rooms or sections of house or floors with modulating condensing boilers. The boiler I chose modulates down to 16K BTU. Image if one person is home all day in the livingroom and having that room (and maybe the bathroom to protect your pipes from freezing) heated with a boiler running at 97% efficiency. If you run your water lines at 140F with a return temp of 100 (40F across each radiator) , the efficiency would be over 97%. see efficiency graph at page 3 at http://www.radiantheatproducts.com/client_images/catalog10050/pages/files/KnightBoilerBrochure.pdf