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Posted by Robert on July 02, 2006 at 10:49:33:
In Reply to: Re: Weil McLain PEG-45-S-SPDN for 1700 Sq Ft House is Almost $8K?? posted by HeatPro on July 01, 2006 at 14:51:17:
: The only way to know if it is oversized is to have a professional written estimate in hand to compare the boiler output with the estimate. An old house that large with a steam boiler can require a 200,000 btuh output boiler.
: http://www.heatpro.us/duct/squareft.htm
: However, the boiler has to serve the existing radiation and piping in the house and no less:
: Your probably aren't being overcharged. You aren't paying for the boiler only, you are also paying for a pro to install it so the unit works and is under factory warrantee. The only way to know the price is to get three estimates to see a 'ball-park' figure for the local situation.
: IMO, an automatic water feeder is a problem in waiting, as it will fail in a few years due to 'saving on service' and turn the house into a sprinkler system. That can be a point of making an estimate less.
Thanks for the information. I was concerned because the contractor did not even walk through the house to see how many radiators, how big they were, etc. He just based his estimate on the specs written on the old boiler (which is as big as a small car). Since I installed new double-pane windows throughout the house 4 years ago, and since the new boiler is bound to be much more efficient than the old, I thought that the original specs might be too high.