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Posted by Eichler on June 30, 2006 at 12:01:58:
I need help selecting a stainless steel pump. Any recommendations on: HP, FLOW RATE, and HEAD? My current pump is a large motor 1/6 HP, but no other specs are marked on the unit.
My seat of the pants guess would be to purchase 1/6 HP, 35 GPM flow, and 35 head feet pressure. Grundfos UP26-99F looks close.
Any help from past experience would be appreciated. Any equations to estimate the head feet and flow rate vs. pipe diameter and length to help my education would be appreciated.
2,250 sq.ft. 1969 Eichler home with 117K BTU inlet 97K BTU output natural gas Raypak boiler with a single 1/6 HP circulation motor driving 10 radiant concrete slab loops - one/room.
For my new boiler, I've it narrowed down between the Lochinvar Knight 150 and lower priced Traingle Tube Prestige 150. My radiant professional does not carry either at this time.