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Posted by HeatPro on June 27, 2006 at 13:04:49:
In Reply to: hot water from instant hot water maker or indirect tank posted by janice on June 27, 2006 at 11:10:14:
Depends on where you are. City water in the east is generally soft so repairs are less frequent with a tankless water heater. they are usually left alone for three years, then problems occur with liming; in Europe they are refurbished yearly, not the habit people in the USA are used to. If you are in a hrad water area, expect problems sooner.
Standby losses on a well-insulated indirect tank are very low and they can be insulated with more around the tank.
If you use a condensing boiler or a Takagi with a
ErgoMax. (www.ergomax.com) | www.thermo2000.com (Canada) | Everhot (http://www.tfi-everhot.com/ExternalTankless.html)
They have instant hot water coils inside, so the boiler can provide heat without corroding, while the tank provides hot water, making them both last longer without frequent service.