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Posted by HeatPro on June 23, 2006 at 18:44:14:
In Reply to: Re: boiler for hot water heating posted by rachel ross on June 23, 2006 at 15:47:24:
Actually - that will never be known until after the fact.
Hot water is used for showers, washing people, cooking water, washing dishes and washing clothes.
How much water is used depends upon the number of people doing it and how often, it has nothing to do with the building having rooms with appliances in them until people use the taps and the appliances. You might have more than the average 2-1/2 people or less and have different cooking and washing habits.
The average use of hot water in homes is 80 gallons per day, which can be heated with 50,000 btuh a day - easily done with a separate water heater.