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Posted by Jim on May 22, 2006 at 14:49:18:
Hi - I've got a fuel oil fired boiler in my house that I've had for a couple years. Saturday I noticed the overload was tripped on the blower/fuel pump unit. I reset it and the unit didn't appear to fire so I decided to re-gap the ignitors. I removed that assembly and while it was out went ahead and installed a new tip and re-gapped the ignitors. Reinstalled everything, flipped the switch, and the boiler smoked to life. Figured fuel had dumped into the burner box before it kicked out last time so I wasn't too worried - black smoke was rolling out of the chimney. After about 15 minutes the smoked had lessened, but still not subsided - the smoke out of the chimney was now gray in color instead of black or transparent. I adjusted the air intake a bit, but it started to chug so I set it back to the stock setting and then turned off the furnace. While it was running it seemed like the blower/fuel pump assembly wasn't as loud as usual, but I couldn't really tell for sure. Am I missing something simple or does this sound like something is broke? Any help would be really appreciated before I call up the service guy to come take a look. I'm not afraid to spend the cash on service - just didn't want to drop a $90 service call if it's something simple I can handle myself. Thanks.