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Posted by John on May 06, 2006 at 09:24:25:
In Reply to: Re: Well Mcclain boiler and indirect water heater posted by HeatPro on May 05, 2006 at 21:44:46:
There is only one on the boiler's 1" line but it has a T that the 1/2 inch line connects the inlet with the outlet.
So you are saying I need another circulation pump on the piping either to or from the house zones? This would put the two circulating pumps in series.
Thanks for your help.
: The pipe is there to allow water to cycle in the boiler to prevent condensation. A radiator valve in the boiler block closes when the water is warmed.
: http://www.weil-mclain.com/FTP/GV_Manuals/GVBoilerManual.pdf
: As you say you changed THE CIRCULATOR, make sure you have TWO circulators there. One is for the recirculation inside the boiler on the 1/2-inch line, the other or others is/are to pump water through the rest of the system zones. If you are trying to use the recirculator that is on the 1/2 line inside, it is not meant to heat the home or water heater; you'd need another one to do that with zone valves.