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Posted by HeatPro on May 03, 2006 at 22:35:40:
In Reply to: Re: question regarding Ergomax repipe posted by Dave on May 03, 2006 at 20:41:23:
He eoesn't understan d the relationship of the pump head to the pipe diameter and distance. He is just looking at the maximum the chart cna show and disregarding the rest; many plumbers install overpowered pumps due to that lack of understanding.
Your problem with the boiler that it sizzles, so you want to install a time delay, shows that the 0010 isn't able to keep the temperature between boiler outlet and inlet within 20 F. it is actually at, 40 or so F which shows that the water flow is halved due to boiler restriction. that makes any of the 007's more powerful than the 0010 pump remainder in head pressure, even though the 0010 pumps more water. In short, he's maling bigger problems that will occur when all the zones are calling through the two 3/4 pipes he wants to change to. You didn't have problems with the system this cold season, so you don't have to fix what isn't broken.