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Posted by Jeff on April 01, 2006 at 10:35:03:
I have a Burnham RSA85 that was installed 10/05 with a two line fuel system used. About every 2-3 weeks I have to re prime the fuel pump. I discovered that the bypass plug was never installed within the fuel pump, with a plug now installed I'm hoping the problem is solved. My return line is not submerged in oil, it terminates at the top of the fuel tank, I can hear the fuel running in. Could the return line not being submerged in fuel be the casue of this prime loss problem? The fuel pump is a single stage beckett clean cut, it has been tested and is fine. This was never an issue with the old boiler that was replaced, I am going to replace the fuel lines, they may leak but with a two line system shouldnt and small leaks be ok with the air being sent back to the fuel tank? Any advice is appreciated.